a blog about raising a daughter with cerebral palsy and learning unexpected lessons along the way

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

I make zero dollars a year. Not one penny.

And I'm okay with that.

Except when days like today roll around. I can't just run out and buy something special for the most deserving father/husband in the world as I would like to do.

But, I do own a small slice of cyber-space so this will have to make due...

Rob, Oia loves you and I love you. We are two very lucky girls who depend on you and appreciate you more than you realize. You work hard, give unconditionally, and ask for very little in return. Today is for you... Happy Father's Day to someone who deserves way more than Oia and I could ever give you...


  1. Gosh, Mo, did that make Rob cry like a baby? It did me! Very, very beautiful, just like Oia.

  2. Oh Mo, What a great video! I know Rob must be such a great daddy, Oia is so fortunate and blessed!

  3. I'm guessing that was worth more to Rob than any present you could have bought!
