a blog about raising a daughter with cerebral palsy and learning unexpected lessons along the way

Saturday, April 2, 2011

3 Years Ago

Little baby glasses, MRI, EEG's, the wonder and worry, early intervention, endless hours of occupational therapy, constraint therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy and hippotherapy, orthotics, weight vest, walker, splints, countless doctor appointments, trial and error, tears of heartbreak, tears of pure joy, stares and questions, practice, practice, practice, bumps and tumbles, bruises and bloody lips, surgery, eye patches, serial casting, ankle sprain, Botox, seizure scares, special ed preschool, tiny miracles... all because of one diagnosis.

Today is D-Day, 3 years ago. Today we reflect on what lies behind us for it is what brought us to today - and today is worth celebrating. Today we celebrate the girl who has worked so hard and come so far yet who has only just begun. We have been blessed beyond measure.


  1. ...and all of us we have had the pleasure of meeting Oia and her family have been "blessed beyond measure" as well. I truly count it a gift that we have gotten to know your family. See ya in a couple of weeks!

  2. We are just about one year behind you exactly - I'd have to check my paperword to know the exact day - now that I reflect on it I am surprised I didn't memorize the day, but I guess that is because thanks to Dr. Google, I already knew in my heart what that fisted hand was telling me. And I agree, our daughters are worth celebrating, indeed! I wish I could have been a bit more joyful all along, and not so worried. I am not really done mourning the loss of the good health Hannah deserved, but I getting closer. I think we need more Oia pictures, by the way . . .

  3. Definitely a day to celebrate! What a long way you all have come...and it should make you feel completely overjoyed about what was said on D-Day, and where you are now.Proving "them" all wrong.
    I agree, we need more Oia pictures! :)

  4. Oh Mo, I am right there with you, sister! Sending our love from SC!

  5. Our D-Day is definitely etched in my mind as well. 9/11/06. The day we got the wind knocked out of us. But like you we have gotten back up and kept on fighting the good fight (admittedly with a few tantrums along the way). Oia seems so much older than she is. I think because of what she has been through and how far she has come. I love your updates and find myself checking in on Oia frequently-if not for an update then just to see her little smile!

  6. I celebrate with you! Oia is such a beautiful girl, I just smile every time I see her in your photos. It's quite a road but there are so many blessings along the way indeed.
