Good-bye Preschool, Hello Summer Break
Last August, I carried my 2 yr old into her first day of preschool - a special education preschool that is housed within a public elementary. I carried her because she was recovering from a serious ankle injury and was unable to walk. Talk about a nervous momma... she was tender, just days away from her 3rd birthday, and I had never experienced dropping her off anywhere with anyone. About 2 months into the school year, she was moved into a new classroom with a new teacher and it felt like the first day jitters all over again. But thankfully, as I came to know her teacher and class assistant, I was at ease leaving her in the hands of these two ladies and thankful for the change.
Last week, she celebrated the close of her first year in preschool. It's been a positive experience with little tweaking for next year. Preschool is just one year in the scheme of many school years yet to come but it's not to be underestimated. The transition from Early Intervention into Preschool was a big deal. Our girl has come a long way in a year's time. Socially, she's a butterfly, even without many words. She's made friends. Physically, she is stronger, braver, and more reliable. Academically, she is making great progress and loves the school environment. Emotionally, she is over the moon happy about everything. To say she has completed a full year of preschool makes me so proud of her growth, resilience, determination, and sense of independence. Keep up the good work, big girl!
New iPad
Oia now has her own iPad. (We used one on loan from her school earlier this winter.) We have been jumping in and out of hoops since January to get her one but with the help of a waiver and our wonderful pediatrician, Oia was finally granted one of these tiny miracles, complete with Proloquo2Go and TaptoTalk. Our hopes with the iPad is that Oia uses this as a learning device, not necessarily as her primary means of communication. We also hope to use this as an assessment tool; quizzing colors, numbers, letters, key words, etc. due to her limited expressive language. At this point, I vaguely know what she knows. Oia is so motivated by this and we're eager to see what she is able to show us with it.
Peace with Pregnancy
And lastly, I am thankfully nearing week 32 of this crazy ride called pregnancy. With good reason, I've spent every day thus far worrying about the baby I've yet to see and hold but one who already has a diagnosis. However, with the tiny dose of hope that was handed to us at our latest echo a week ago, I hesitantly say that I am somewhat able to relax now and enjoy what is such a limited and precious time in a woman's life. With each bump, kick, and hiccup felt from within comforts and assures me that our baby girl is growing strong and will be able to hold her own upon entering this world. I want her in my arms now but I'm trying to savor and enjoy the last weeks of what may very well be my last pregnancy.