And it was fun! The outdoor afternoon party was complete with a pinata, an inflatable princess castle and make-your-own sundaes, among a few other things to entertain busy bodies. Smiles and kids were everywhere.
I'm not sure why, but my mind always tries to come up with a project or craft when celebrating with little people. I think it's part teacher, part wanna be artsy-fartsy. Whatever it is, it's important to create tangible memories too. And when you allow canvas and paint to collide with tiny and unique minds, you get something lovely in return.
I, ahem Rob, sectioned a canvas with painter's tape into individual squares. Each of Oia's friends were able to choose one square and decorate it for her at some point throughout the party, mostly when we could talk them out of the bounce castle long enough to get creative. Naturally, Rob and I snagged a square along with Oia's NeNe too. The bottom left square is full of Esme's love. A masterpiece, all for our one-of-a-kind six year old, to treasure as long as she'd like.
Dearest Oia Lee,
You are a blessing of six years and going strong. So, so strong. Everything about your mind and body is comprised of resilience, determination, and sheer persistence. Your therapists and teachers say it will serve you well in the future. In the moment though, you can be quite a challenge. Especially for your Daddy and I. You would have it no other way. And really, neither would we.
Tonight, your Daddy was looking at the picture of you inside the princess castle on the morning after your birthday party. Still jumping, laughing, feet free of braces. He looked up and asked me if I ever imagined you'd be able to do such a thing at this age. There was a time, when you were just barely one or so, that I just couldn't picture it in my mind. Oh, but I tried. I wanted to see you doing it so badly even if it was only in my mind. But if the image was there, it was hazed with uncertainty. So imagine beautiful girl, just how full our hearts felt to see you slide down and bounce around all by yourself inside that castle inflatable at your party... just like YOU always knew you could. Worth every penny.
Like your sister, you are a lover. Our favorite right now is the little pat, pat, pat you give on our backs while embraced in a hug. Your pat, pat, pat on our back translates to I-love-you-and-I-need-you-and-I-think-you-are-the-best-mom/dad-ever. No words ever needed to comprehend that.
You are a Daddy's girl. You have been from Day 1. Your day doesn't end well if that Daddy of yours is not home to tuck you into bed at night and watch you drift to sleep. Thankfully, he doesn't miss bedtime often. And yes, he really does stay right there, at your feet on the edge of your bed, until he knows you are asleep. It's no wonder you love him. You make a fiery dash and squeal all the way to the garage door once I declare "Daddy's home!" and you prefer to spend the last few minutes of your day tucked against his chest for quiet snuggles with him in his chair. Your sister and I do the same from across the living room. That's when 4 feels perfect.
This new year as a 6 year old is all yours. Work your magic, however you can, whenever you can. Continue on as the leader of this family and know that we are still behind you, soaking in all of your lessons, as you feel fit to teach them. It's a beautiful life we have, Oia, and I sure hope you agree. Thank you for making it that way.

We love, love, love you, darlin'. Happy Birthday!