a blog about raising a daughter with cerebral palsy and learning unexpected lessons along the way

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sick Girl = Canceled Eye Appointment

Oia and I spent the weekend at our old stompin' grounds in North Carolina. We attended a friends wedding on Sunday while Rob stayed behind to hang out with my father who was spending some time at our house. Unfortunately, Oia ended up with a cold and fever the day of the wedding which slowed things down a bit. We missed out on the reception which is what I was most looking forward to. Something about seeing Oia walking on a dance floor with other little people made me so excited for her. I felt a little bummed we missed it but a sick baby takes the front seat.

We returned home yesterday. We were scheduled today to head to northern Virginia so Oia could be seen by a new ophthalmologist in hopes of getting a second opinion on an impending eye surgery. With a questionable fever still this morning, we decided to keep her home and reschedule the appointment. A little disappointing since I am in the mind frame of having this surgery for her as soon as possible and we have to wait another month to be seen. But, that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes.

The good news is that by dinner time tonight she was feeling much better and wanted to play again.

Appointment has been rescheduled for December 7th.

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